Monday, September 20, 2010

the eventful week!!

How many people can go thru a week like mine and stay positive? I do not have an answer to that question, but I know that I do not wish to put anyone into a case study or experiment in order to see if they can.
My week started as a very good week. I was on the 3rd day of a five day vacation when I awoke, not feeling generally happy, or excited. I remember asking myself "whats the problem?" b/c, as Bob Marley would say, woke up this morning, the weather is sweeet... makes me want to move.. ya dancing feet!! Yes, the SUN was shining mightily, and I knew that I was gonna get on my bike and take a long ride thru the city and countryside; so, why wasn't I in a particularly good mood? Well, I took that long ride thru the city, seeing all kinds of lovely folks and taking in the majestic views from the hillside. After a couple of hours, I began feeling achy, and soar. When I decided that I needed to eat something, I wasn't particularly up for anything and decided that I needed to shower and just rest. After my shower, I began to feel feverish and hot. I began to wonder aloud(ala Vince Lombardi)....What the HELL is going on here? My body was getting hotter by the second and I began to get a headache. After an hour of shaking and sweating, my stomach began to bubble. At this point and after all the symptoms, I realized the Red Beans I ate the nite before had manifested into food poisoning. How could this be? The beans had only sat in the fridge for days before I decided to eat more and I warmed them thoroughly. Whatever was the case and after a nite of suffering thru a miserable headache, and seeing those yucky beans come mostly thru the ass-end, I got better. Thank U cascara segrada!! U eliminated the beans nicely!!!
Part 2 began Friday morning on my way to work. After exiting my apartment and taking a back street, the Honduran Police decided they wanted to stop a brother for a routine trafffic stop. The policia(I soon learned) were only stopping motos at this point b/c of a large amount of motos being stolen in the area.  Well, I decided that this would be no problem since I have just bought the bike and the paperwork on it was supreme(in order). Little did I know that the wrong paperwork was given to me and that the plates and registration did not match-up. After talking to then the best way a brother could, I was able to get my secondary principal on the line and she told them that I was the new owner of the bike and that their was some particular good reason for the mix-up. There was!! The paperwork of my moto was mixed-up with the paperwork for another model that the guy, from whom I bought it from, still had!! Damn, Damn, Damn (ala Florida Evans) Damn, Damn, DAmnnnn James(ala Andre 3000) was the songs I was siinging as I awaited my secondary principal and the owner of the bikes with the paperwork. All in all, I had to wait, sitting on the side of the road, with 2 officers and 10 soldiers(with semi automatic rifles) for an hour until it was settled that I indeed had a legitimate moto, but with mixed-up paperwork. I will say that it seemed as though I was having a good ole time as they asked me question after question and they laughed it up as I gave them the best answers that I could with my limited espanol. But still recovering from the food poisoning, and after standing so long with a heavy backpack filled with books, I was very tired. Luckily, Friday's for me are easy days, and boy, was I ever greatful that it was Friday....TGIF, TGIF.
Nonetheless, I am forever thankful that Spirit was on my side and that I did not have two assholes for officers and that I had this male and female that were of high morals and character. Whether it was this or that, or they just felt sorry for the gringo(yes they called me a gringo), I am happy that all turned out okay.
That was the adventure for the week and I am glad that this is a new and improved week.
The real adventure was the tours of the multiple museums(the National Museum and another one[the name escapes me] another tour of Tegucigalpa, and a little of its sister city Comayagua.
Tegucigalpa, and Honduras as a whole,  has a very rich history that is steep in a deep tradition. By looking at photos, I was able to see alot of it and may be able to experience some of the traditions b/c they are still practiced today. Discovered in the 1500's, it is a country that is still growing and coming into its own. Our guide and Warren say that people are uncovering ruins and fossils daily. Some people have them their homes and do not even know it!!!
Comayagua has its own magnificent mile. At least a mile, all U see is stands of fruit, vegetables, clothes, shoes, appliances, electrical supplies, plumbing supplies, underwear, raw meat, knick knacks, etc............ I mean like!! Unbelieveable all the shit that I saw as we drove thru it. Yes, I will make my way thru it(on foot) soon to absorb it all from the street.
An interesting fact of Comayagua  is how it use to be the capitol of Honduras until it was settled that Tegucigalpa be the capitol in the 1800's. The reason why Comayagua is not the capitol anymore is b/c the people of Comayagua publicly disliked the wife of the then President of Honduras. In an act of revenge, he moved the capitol to about acts of!!!
All in all, I had a fabulous week-end after a dismal week. Thanks to Warren, the museum guide, and a great group of friends, new friends, and teachers, the week-end was a blast!!! I am excited to know more about the city and the country, and  look to have more week-ends better than this one!!!!

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